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Tuberculin skin test evaluation in healthcare workers and and distribution by occupation [Eurasian J Pulmonol]
Eurasian J Pulmonol. Ahead of Print: EJP-07769

Tuberculin skin test evaluation in healthcare workers and and distribution by occupation

Sami Deniz1, Jülide Çeldir Emre2
1SBU İzmir Dr Suat Seren Chest Diseases and Thoracic Surgery Research and Educational Hospital, Chest Diseases, İzmir
2Turgutlu State Hospital, Chest Diseases, Manisa

Objective: Tuberculosis (TB) is a potential occupational threat for health care workers (HCWs) worldwide. We aimed to evaluate the TST results in HCWs and investigate if there was a difference between occupation. Methods: It was designed as a prospective study. The analysis was performed on 331 participants. PPD were administered to all cases. In addition, cases’ age, gender and smoking status and their comorbidities were recorded. Both shoulder areas were checked, and BCG scar counts were recorded. Results: Out of a total 331 participants, 207 were female, 124 were male; mean age was 39±8 (min;18, max; 61), TST was 12±6mm. The cases were categorized by considering participants’ exposure to TB (Group-1- Doctor; group-2- Midwife-Nurse-Health Technician-Laboratorian; group-3- Technician-Administrative Staff; group-4- Secretary-Auxilliary Staff; group-5- Security, Cleaning, Cafeteria Staff ). When compared in terms of TST, there was a significant difference (p<0.001). The cases had at least 1 and maximum 3 BCG scars. Based on this, 3 groups were formed. 223 cases had 2 scars, 58 had 1, and 41 had 3. Significant difference was found among three groups, and similarly, there was a significant difference in paired comparisons (p<0.001; for all comparisons). While difference was detected in the group with two BCG scars, there was no difference in other groups (p=0.7, 0.001, 0.5, respectively). There was a significant difference in terms of TST between genders (p<0.001). Conclusion: Exposure to TB may vary according to professions, but the socioeconomic situation can not be determined by professions.

Keywords: Healthcare workers, tuberculin skin test, tuberculosis

Corresponding Author: Sami Deniz, Türkiye

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