Churg–Strauss Syndrome Presenting with Endobronchial MassesVeli ÇetinsuClinic of Chest Diseases, Edirne State Hospital, Edirne
Churg–Strauss syndrome is a condition with unknown etiology and asthma, allergic rhinitis, eosinophilic infiltration of blood and tissues, and transient infiltration of the lungs. It occurs mostly in the 3rd–4th decades of life with an incidence of 2.4/1000000. Presentation frequently involves nodular lung infiltrations, infiltrations with cavity, ground-glass appearance, and alveolar opacity. However, endobronchial mass is an unexpected presentation. In the current case report, we present a 45-year-old male patient who was receiving asthma therapy for 5 years. In the last follow-up visit, we identified a mass in the right hilum on X-ray radiography and performed fiberoptic bronchoscopy. Pathologic examination of biopsy material verified the diagnosis of Churg–Strauss syndrome. Bronchial mass is an unexpected presentation of Churg–Strauss syndrome and pathologic examination is essential to distinguish it from pulmonary malignancies. Keywords: Bronchocentric granulomatosis, bronchoscopy, Churg–Strauss, endobronchial mass
Veli Çetinsu. Churg–Strauss Syndrome Presenting with Endobronchial Masses. Eurasian J Pulmonol. 2015; 17(3): 179-181
Corresponding Author: Veli Çetinsu, Türkiye |