Exercise-Induced Elastofibroma DorsiMahmut Tokur1, İsmail Cüneyt Kurul2, İpek Işık Gönül3, Leyla Memiş3, Sedat Demircan21Department of Thoracic Surgey, Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam University Faculty of Medicine, Kahramanmaraş 2Department of Thoracic Surgey, Gazi University Faculty of Medicine, Ankara 3Department of Pahtology, Gazi University Faculty of Medicine, Ankara
Elastofibroma dorsi is a rare, slow-growing tumor-like process. It is typically found in the soft tissue compartment between the inferior scapula and the chest wall of an elderly person. Although its findings in magnetic resonance images and computed tomography usually allow a prospective diagnosis, recognizing the benign nature of the lesion with histopathological evaluation is important to avoid radical surgery. Its pathogenesis is unknown, but one of the postulated mechanisms is repetitive mechanical trauma around the shoulder girdle. We report a synchronously diagnosed bilateral elastofibroma excised from the back of a 49-year-old woman who had doing aerobic exercise for a long time. Keywords: Chest wall, elastofibroma dorsi, bilateral, exercise
Mahmut Tokur, İsmail Cüneyt Kurul, İpek Işık Gönül, Leyla Memiş, Sedat Demircan. Exercise-Induced Elastofibroma Dorsi. Eurasian J Pulmonol. 2014; 16(1): 47-49
Corresponding Author: Mahmut Tokur, Türkiye |