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Leflunomide-Induced Interstitial Lung Disease: A Case Report [Eurasian J Pulmonol]
Eurasian J Pulmonol. 2015; 17(1): 67-69 | DOI: 10.5152/ejp.2014.93357  

Leflunomide-Induced Interstitial Lung Disease: A Case Report

Aygül Güzel1, Nurhan Köksal1, Ayşenur Gök1, Muzaffer Elmalı2
1Department of Chest Diseases, Ondokuz Mayıs University Faculty of Medicine, Samsun
2Department of Radiodiagnostic, Ondokuz Mayıs University Faculty of Medicine, Samsun

Leflunomide (LEF) induced interstitial pneumonitis is a very rare condition but potentially fatal. We report a case of LEF induced interstitial pneumonitis. A 63-year-old woman followed-up for 37 years with the diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis treated with LEF (20 mg/day) since 5 months were admitted to our hospital with cough, dyspnea, fever, and dark sputum.Chest radiography represented bilateral alveolar consolidation. High-resolution computed tomography demonstrated diffuse ground-glass appearance and interlobular septal thickening. Since the patient’s clinics and radiologic findings improved dramatically after the cessation of LEF and recieving oral steriod therapy, she was diagnosed as drug-induced interstitial lung disease. In conclusion, when nonspecific clinical signs such as respiratory distress, cough and fever seen during the use of LEF, drug-induced interstitial lung disease should be kept in mind for the differantial diagnosis.

Keywords: Adverse reaction, drug, interstitial lung disease, leflunomide

Aygül Güzel, Nurhan Köksal, Ayşenur Gök, Muzaffer Elmalı. Leflunomide-Induced Interstitial Lung Disease: A Case Report. Eurasian J Pulmonol. 2015; 17(1): 67-69

Corresponding Author: Aygül Güzel, Türkiye

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