The Effect of Morphine Delta Receptor Activity on Ischemic Postconditioning in Lung İschemia Reperfusion İnjuryNuri Düzgün1, Hıdır Esme1, Ibrahim Kılınç2, Mustafa Çalık11Department of Thoracic surgery, Health Sciences University, Konya training and research hospital, Konya 2Department of biochemistry, Selcuk University, Medical faculty
Objective: In the context of the physiopathology of lung damage due to ischemia and reperfusion injury, we aimed to demonstrate the effects of the addition of morphine sulphate to ischemic post-conditioning protocol. Methods: In the present study, 48 Wistar albino female rats were employed. Group 1 was accepted as the Sham group that underwent thoracotomy through the fifth left intercostal space. IR group: thoracotomy and ischemia reperfusion period. IRPC group: thoracotomy, ischemia reperfusion period and ischemic post-conditioning. In IRPC3 and IRPC30 groups, in addition to ischemic post-conditioning different doses of morphine sulfate (3μmol and 30μmol) was administered. TNF- α, IL-1, and IL- 10 levels were measured in biochemical assessment of the lung tissue samples obtained. Results: TNF-α and IL-1 (pro-inflammatory cytokines) have lower values and IL-10 (antiinflammatory cytokine) have higher values both in the groups which have been subject to postconditioning and morphine. TNF-α and IL-1 levels in lung tissue were statistically significant between the IRPC3 group and the IR and IRPC groups. In addition, IL-10 level in lung tissue were statistically significant between the IRPC3 group and the IRPC group. Conclusion: In the present study conducted with experimental animals where morphine was also injected besides ischemic PC protocols, statistically significant differences were determined in the lung tissue analyses when we compared pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokine values. We firmly believe that adding morphine to the lung transplantation protocols and post conditioning will decrease ischemia reperfusion damage. Keywords: ischemia and reperfusion injury, ischemic postconditioning, morphine sulphate
Nuri Düzgün, Hıdır Esme, Ibrahim Kılınç, Mustafa Çalık. The Effect of Morphine Delta Receptor Activity on Ischemic Postconditioning in Lung İschemia Reperfusion İnjury. Eurasian J Pulmonol. 2018; 20(2): 59-64
Corresponding Author: Hıdır Esme, Türkiye |